Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Twilight Trailer Spoof

I thougt this video was hysterical. A spoof on the Twilight trailers.

Enjoy! :D


Cyndy and George said...

Very funny video. Sounds like you enjoyed your time in LA! Good for you. I sent you an email to add Heidi to your twilight emails.... she is officially addicted.

Also, I loved loved loved your talk on Sunday. You did an awesome job! Even though you were incredibly nervous (which you had no reason to be) You did a magnificent job. And your husband ALWAYS cracks me up. Loved his talk too!

Amber, Dan, and Fam said...

Yay, I'm so glad she's joined the darkside. Mwa ha ha ha! I've been wondering why she took so long to read them. I thought you'd dropped the ball, in our quest to convert the masses. *hee hee*

Thank you so much for the compliments. I was terrified, even if I didn't really show it. I'm just so glad it is over with. I can breathe again.

I'll let Dan know you liked his talk as well. Yep he is sort of, kind of funny. Once in awhile at least. ;p

jen said...

HILARIOUS!!!! I can't decide which was my favorite scene..."He wants my candy bar" or "WHO SHUT THAT?" Thanks for the laugh!!