Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I prefer Forks, not spoons

No, not those forks. This Forks...

In two weeks I am heading to Forks, WA. Yes, I am doing the geekiest thing imaginable... I am making an exodus to where the Twilight universe takes place. Myself, with a group of 26 other Twilight Moms, are going the weekend of Bella's birthday. They are having special festivities there that weekend. September 13th is officially "Stephenie Meyer Day", (Bella's bday is the 13th), in Forks. Tons of people are planning to be there for the celebration. I know of over 100 TMs alone that are making the trip.

Gorgeous, isn't it?!

I fly on September 11th, and land in Seattle. We are planning on spending a few hours there. Eating lunch at one of the cities famous eateries, then hopping a ferry, and driving the rest of the way to Port Angeles and Forks.

Oooh I am super excited! I can't believe the date is coming up so soon. I'm stressing a little though, because I have so much left to do before the two weeks are up. I am a late comer to the group that I'm going with, so I have a lot to prepare in a shorter amount of time compared to some of the other ladies (they've been planning this since January).

First Beach

The great thing about the group I'm going with is that I know so many of them already. Jessica, who went with us to Comic Con, will be my bunk buddy in our cabin. And quite a few of the other TMs that I met at the picnic back in June, will be with our group as well. Including the TMs creator, Lisa. Knowing all these ladies makes things a little less scary for me, since I'm going to a new, out of state, place by myself.

It is going to be a blast!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I cannot believe you are going there! How fun. I am sure you will love it. It does look beautiful. She does a great job describing it. FYI we are still doing our party on Saturday at 6:30. Send me an e-mail ( and I can send you directions. Hope you can make it.