Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our Truck is Found!

Great news on the stolen vehicle front. This past Monday we got a call from the police department, letting us know they found our SUV, and that it was drivable!

So Dan headed to where it was found and picked it up. Thankfully there seems to be only minor damage compared to what could've happened to it.

Okay, so how it was found was, whomever stole it parked it in an apartment complex, in another person's spot, about 2 miles from our home. So the apartment manager called the police to report it, and come to find out the SUV was reported stolen. So we got the call.

It looks like whomever stole it, decided to take their family around in it. There were beer cans, cigarettes, milking boots, a hose, a kids Halloween cape, dirty diapers and underwear... you name it, it was probably in there. It is completely trashed inside.

But you want to know what the funny thing about all of this is? The thief left their kid's folder in the truck, and inside the folder what do we find?...Contact information. The idiots left their info in the stolen vehicle. LOL So now the police are investigating. And if they catch them, we will be prosecuting.

We are very happy and thankful that we got our truck back, and in relatively good condition. :)


junglemama said...

Wow--- that is good that it was found. Hope the police findout who did it.

The Ball Family said...

Some people sure are stupid! I really hope they find the idiots who stole it! I feel bad for the child! It is so sad that some children are brought up in homes like this and this is normal for them! It is so sad and it makes me so thankful to know that I was brought up in a good loving home and my children have the same as well.

Amber, Dan, and Fam said...

I know, I really feel bad for the kids too. :(

Susanne said...

That's great news!! Yippee!

Kathy Habel said...

Great news. Seriously that's crazy that they left their contact info in the truck!

Niki said...

Wow. That's great that y'all got it back. Thank God they were stupid enough to leave their kid's folder in the van. lol

What are milking boots, by the way? Boots worn while milking a cow?

Amber, Dan, and Fam said...

Yes, the thief most likely works on a dairy in the area.

Rhonda said...

I watched this show once about stupid (I hate that word) but anyway it was called stupid criminals. It was so crazy how absolutely clueless these people were. Really very sad! Always sad for the kids too. Hmmm wonder how these kids will turn out????