Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update on Brandon

An Update on Dan's nephew Brandon. He is still going through Chemo, and having a rough time. He is very sick, and is continuing to try to keep a positive attitude. Which is hard, when he is in so much pain. His Dad unfortunately was laid off from his job. When he was told the job would be held for him, after Brandon was done with his treatments. So they are now trying to survive on one income with seriously expensive hospital bills. If any of you that read this, find it in you hearts to help Brandon's family out in anyway possible (even just a few dollars would be helpful), please click on the link below. I will also be putting a link at the right side of our blog, after I get it from Brandon's dad. ---------------------------->

donation page set up to help Brandon with the PayPal company.

Here is what Brandon's Dad has said about the donations.

You don't need a membership with PayPal, you can enter an amount, then click "Update Total", then skip to the bottom "continue" link down by the credit card symbols. Many have asked how they can help.A nice neighbor down the street has offered to hold a Fund Raising Dinner. A family that only vaguely knows Brandon set up a Benefit Concert for our family back in September (which helped us through October). Other family members have sent anywhere from $20 to $100 at a time, as they've been able to, to help us with gas money back and forth to Salt Lake City. I would like to thank everyone for helping us in those ways.

If you'd like to donate, please do, and thank you - May God bless you many times over for the generosity you extend to our family! - We can't thank you enough.

The Lord said: "For inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these, ye do it unto me."

(Thank you all again, we love you!)

1 comment:

Britten said...

My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.