Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged..

I was tagged by a friend to do this. I'm game, so here goes. Let's learn a little bit more about Danny and I...

What is his name? His full name is Richard Daniel, but he goes by his middle name. Usually Dan. Danny by his family and close friends.

How long have you been together? Married 8 years in February! :)

How long did you date? 1 year

How old is he? 36

Who said I love you first? Danny, and I was in such complete shock that I started bawling. lol They were good tears though.

Who is taller? Danny, he is 6', I am 5'9"

Who sings better? I do, although Dan is good even though he doesn't think he is.

Who is smarter? ME, ha ha!

Whose temper is worse? Ummm that is a toss up. We both have pretty fire-y tempers. I think I lose my patience easier, but his is more intense when he does lose it.

Who does the laundry? me

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Danny

Who pays the bills? Me

mows the lawn? Javier our gardener.

Who does the dishes? me and sometimes Danny

Who cooks dinner? me on most days, but usually once a week Dan cooks dinner

Who drives when you are together? Danny, and I am more than willing to let him.

Who is more stubborn? again it is a toss up. lol

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We are both pretty good about admitting when we are wrong. So it's pretty even.

Who kissed who first? It was mutual. But I probably made the final move, if I remember right.

Who asked who out? Well we never really officially went out. So that is a tricky one. I guess our official first date was asked by Danny. We went to Chevy's restaurant. (yummy!)

Who proposed? I did. :)

Who is more sensitive? I am, but Dan is very sensitive too, he just hides it more.

Who has more friends? I think it is pretty even. Everyone likes Dan, but he doesn't really hang out with a lot of people. Whereas I do more "things" together with friends.

Who wears the pants in the family? ME, ha ha

Okie Dokie. that should do it. Now, I tag Myrna. It's your turn girl, so spill.....

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