Saturday, January 31, 2009


Don't know what a Quelf is? Well I'm here to tell you. Quelf is a board game. A hilarious, party game. If you like to have fun and be silly, this is the game for you.

We played it with Dan's family over Christmas. Here are some highlights...

Adam displaying his skills in the mask department, while having to sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

Lindsay acting out.

Erin reading us a poem she created, on dental floss and the highlights of good hygiene.

Dan, as a door to door vacuum salesman, trying to get us to believe that the pencil he has in his hand is the best vacuum on the market.

Some of the other fun adventures we had were...

~Laurie and I slow dancing together at the "prom"

~Playing tag with the cards

~My having to say, "And so the master has spoken", after every time I talk

~Everyone trying to name as many mythical creatures as possible

~All of us yelling "cheesy cheese biscuits" whenever someone rolled a three

And many, many other ridiculously silly things.

This game is made of awesome.

Disclaimer: This game isn't for the faint of heart, ie: those that are party poopers. lol

So go out and get it!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Sounds like a great game with a lot of laughs (just the kind I like)!